
%load_ext yuuno

This command enables Yuuno. When you correctly install yuuno, the variables vs and core will be added to your local environment.

Magics for previewing and encoding

The magics for previewing and encoding work like if they were actual console commands.

vspreview 1.2+

The %%vspreview-magic shows a preview. It will remeber which frame was shown in the last run of this command.

You can only use one %%vspreview-instance per Notebook.


  • %%vspreview [--main <OUTPUT-ID>] [--diff [<OUTPUT-ID>]] [--reset-core] [--isolate-variables]


  • --main <OUTPUT-ID> - This setting defines which output-index is to previewed.
  • --diff [<OUTPUT-ID>] - This setting defines which output-index you want to compare the preview with.
  • --reset-core - Create a new vs.Core-object before executing the script.
  • --isolate-variables - Make sure that changes to variables do not affect the entire console.

vspipe 1.2+

The %%vspipe-magic is a helper for %encode below. It behaves like %%vspreview but instead of previewing, the magic will encode the video.


  • %%vspipe [--outputindex <OUTPUT-ID>] [OPTIONS] | [<COMMAND>...]


  • --outputindex <OUTPUT-ID> - Which output-index should be encoded.
  • --y4m - Add YUV4MPEG headers to output
  • --start N - Set the output frame range (first frame)
  • --end N - Set the output frame range (last frame)
  • --requests N - Set the number of concurrent frame requests.
  • --reset-core - Create a new vs.Core-object before executing the script.
  • --isolate-core - Create a new vs.Core-object that is only running during the encode. Do not use with --reset-core
  • --isolate-variables - Make sure that changes to variables do not affect the entire console.

Lower-Level Magics for Previewing and Encoding

%preview and %diff


  • %preview <clip>, [diff=<clipB>]
  • %diff <clipA>, <clipB> deprecated

This commands shows a preview of the clip. Whenn using %diff or the diff-parameter is given, the comparison-mode is activated.

%encode and %%encode

%encode <clip> [--y4m] [--multi] <COMMAND> ...
%%encode [--y4m] [--multi] <COMMAND> ...

The line-magic (%encode) will take the given expression and tries to encode the clip.
The cell-magic (%%encode) will take the contents of the cell and will encode the last expression that the cell returns.

The --y4m-flag tells Yuuno to output Y4M into the processes' stdin. By default it will just return raw frames.

By default, you can only have one encode running at a time. Use --multi to disable it.

See %reattach for viewing a list of current encodes.

%reattach 1.1+

Command: %reattach [<ID>]

This command allows you to reattach to running encodes. If you have only one encode running, it will directly attach to to the encode.

Otherwise it will show you a list of id and some information about the encode. Use the ID given by its output to attach to a specific encode.

Controlling your VapourSynth-Environment

Yuuno allows extensive control of your VapourSynth environment.


By using %reset_core you tell Yuuno to enable a new vapoursynth-core dismissing the old one.


This command creates an isolated core that only exists during the cell the command is executed. This is mostly useless unless you combine it with an encode command.

Running Scripts

Yuuno is capable of running existing vapoursynth scripts from Jupyter.

To do that, you can run %runvpy. It will execute the script and return a dict with its outputs while making sure that your previous outputs remain untouched.

If you use %%vspreview or %%vspipe, a far more useful command is the lower-level %execvpy-magic which will not reset your outputs after a run. This allows you to run and encode any VapourSynth-Script as if it were a cell in Yuuno.


Command: %execpvy [<COMMAND>...]

Executes a VapourSynth script inside Jupyter (but not inside your global namespace.


Command: %runvpy [<COMMAND>...]

Executes a VapourSynth script inside Jupyter (but not inside your global namespace.)

It will restore your outputs before script execution and